The unique formula was specifically designed for ageing and discoloured nails. It brightens and whitens nails, giving them a natural French manicured look. The ingredients listing includes Vit C and natures own nail whitener Papain. Can be used daily to cleanse nails.
This product is high in Vitamin C and Papain.
It has powerful antifungal properties as well as a
whitening effect on the nail plate.
The MediHand Illuminating Nail Cleanser removes
smokers stains and whitens nails
with a natural papaya extract.
- 2.5 ml for both hands. 32 Applications.
Add 1/2 teaspoon to 200ml of luke warm
water, mix well and soak the nails in the
solution for 5 min, giving it a gentle brush
with your nail brush after the 5 min. Rinse
with clean water.
Antifungal & antioxidant - HYDRATING AGENTS
Leaves the nails and fingers healthy
and hydrated - VITAMIN C
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